Do the Next Right Thing

Sequels are always terrible. Except when they are not.

I intentionally walked into Frozen II with crazy low expectations to save me the inevitable disappointment of it not living up to the first one (one of the greatest animations ever made).

I shouldn’t have worried - the movie is great! Olaf and Idina Menzel’s pipes steal the show yet again. Go see it.

The one thing I wanted to share was a powerful piece of life philosophy that is the moral crux of the story.

“You are lost, hope is gone. But you must go on and do the next right thing.”

When things are overwhelming you, when you feel beaten down and not sure how to get out the darkness that engulfs you - stand up, dust yourself up and focus on one small step in front of you. Just focus on your immediate next action or decision and do the right thing.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

How do you break out of your rut? Do the next right thing.

Thanks Anna.


Remember My Name


The Organized Mind