Pull Back... Zoom In.

You look down at your cellphone.

Pull back.

You are sitting in a crowded room.

Pull back.

The alcohol is flowing, people are chatting excitedly and a steady hum of noise fills the space.

Pull back.

The front door of the house lies open, seemingly beckoning in more people.

Pull back.

The sun shines brightly on the front lawn.

Pull back.

The surrounding suburbs are quiet and peaceful, basking in the summer weather.

Pull back.

The city remains dormant, waiting on the next week to begin.

Pull back.

The globe sits and talks about action.  Talks and talks and talks.

Zoom in.

The city remains passive and unwilling to change.

Zoom in.

The surrounding suburbs are in a state of hightened indecision and indifference.

Zoom in.

The sun's rays encourage rest and laziness.

Zoom in.

The front door lies open, asking for more reasons to procrastinate.

Zoom in.

The alcohol is flowing, people engage in incessant small talk and a consistent screech fills the air.

Zoom in.

You are alone in a crowded space.

Zoom in.

Your cellphone drags you away from both reality and your dreams.


Miley's Marketing Miracle


Image Crafting